Keeping it real

Relationships that are built on trust and honesty will stand the test of time. Now many people think its enough to earn the honesty & trust of close family and friends.
But why should it stop there?
The wafer thin line between a friendship and an acquaintance is the willingness to be open, honest and to trust. The natural instinct is to also keep a distance from our professional network and make mere acquaintances out of them. Should it be so ?
The professional network does not have be any different and purely be transactional or mercenary in nature. The engagement can also be honest and transparent. The latent benefits to business as we know are manifold.
As seasoned executive search consultants at Multiversal, we have never shied away from inculcating meaningful business network. We wear our heart on our sleeve proudly and liberally. Needless to add that our engagement with a candidate goes beyond a specific search iteration. Getting to know him or her as a person and beyond the work realm is the larger agenda. This helps us map a candidate to relevant organisations without having to force fit anything.
Executive hiring is an instinctive game and a well rounded understanding of the candidate makes way for successful hiring. The focus is to never to over sell to a candidate but to be honest & transparent all the way, in any given engagement. This in turn gains the executive search consultant the candidate's trust ...They say it takes two to tango . It's takes as much from the side of the candidate to gain the trust of an executive search consultant and make the engagement relevant and cohesive.
Heres what you (as a candidate) need to keep in mind. A ready recokener if you will …
Remove the veil of suspense. Don't keep the executive search consultant guessing , second guessing etc
Don't bring your best foot forward. Just be yourself. Dont over sell.
Make an attempt to know and understand the executive search consultant, because s/he is making a similar effort.
The executive search consultant is an expert in his / her area while you are an authority in yours. Do remember to collaborate as equals.
Be at liberty to say NO . Candor would be much appreciated
When in doubt , communicate , clear the air. Let EGO not get the better of the relationship
Here are some tangible pluses from such an engagement:
The candidate would have better recall for relevant opportunities in the mind of the executive search consultant.
The executive search consultant takes far more interest & care in providing required guidance to the candidate
The executive search consultant can make a confident recommendation to the customer and can positively influence the latter around the candidate.
The search consultant spends less time & effort around due diligence as the good, bad and ugly has already been heard from the horses mouth. This only positively impacts the search process .
The cliched yet simple Shakespearean quote " Honesty is the best policy " is just as relevant today. Shakespeare is also known to have said " No legacy is so rich as honesty".
Here's to the coming together of both candidate and consultant as well wishers to create a fine partnership and legacy. A legacy and partnership that is poised for success but built on honesty , openness and trust!
Lets remember to keep it real..
Its really that simple!