5 Things to remember before calling your Search Consultant ..

As a headhunter, I can relate. It takes a while to get into that frame of mind where you decide to call your search consultant. When you eventually do, you sometimes feel that you wish you had handled it differently or were better prepared . Have you had that happen to you ?
So from my experience, before you pick up that phone, here are a few tiny pointers to keep in mind....
Whatever you are, be a good one.
~Abraham Lincoln
Be sure that you want that job change & are open to talk about your career. Waffling after you call confuses everyone. Think through what you like (and don't) about your current job. Then think about a few avenues that would excite you .
Text or email with some details before you call , so the search consultant knows s/he will expects to connect with you. Use your full name to introduce yourself, and if you have a common reference or contact , do share it . Have a sensible two minute summary about who you are and what you do . Go into detail if requested.
The standard - "I have never made a profile/resume in my life' rarely cuts ice with a professional CXO recruiter , so it is much better to have one. And before you say anything more - no, a LinkedIn Profile wont work when there is a proper mandate or search , so do keep a one pager or speaker profile ready .
'Please keep this confidential' is an understandable albeit redundant statement , considering any search consultant worth their salt , is secretive by DNA & would like to keep candidate details ( and their own reputation!) very safe. While this statement is often made, belaboring it may make you feel safer , but will get your search consultant rolling his or her eyes!
Look at the conversation as a long term partnership or connect , similar to your investment advisor, lawyer or doctor. The more you share relevant information, the better the advice (and career direction) you are likely to get.
Cheers .. and have a good call !
(Look out for the next article in this series: 'Five useful tips on Following Up with your search consultant')
About the Author:

Amitabha Kundu is Co-Founder & Partner at Multiversal Advisory . His in-depth partnership with his clients and his unerring instinct & focus in transitioning the right leader for the assignment has been his hallmark in the last 25 years in talent search and sales & marketing. His ease in the technology industry gives him the advisory edge. Connect with him at amitabha@multiversal.co.in & follow him on twitter @amitabhakundu1