Discarding Diversity or relying on muscle memory?
Read this article in Fortune Magazine https://www.fortuneindia.com/opinion/diversity-and-inclusion-in-the-post-covid-world/104557 Take...
Multiversal Advisory launches ‘MentoRise', a first in Mentor-Barter
As a Multiversal Advisory Impact initiative, ahead of Women’s Day, the company is launching a pro bono pilot mentoring program called #Mento
Black Coffee Day
The Chairman of Coffee Day, VG Siddhartha’s passing has left me with much greater sense of shock and tragedy then I expected. It’s not...
Time for Multiversal
I always knew that the concept of Multiversal, the search advisory firm that I recently set up, was a good one, and one whose time had...
Infosys: Battling a midlife crisis
Priya sums up the situation at Infosys quite succinctly. “We still think of Infosys as a young, fairytale startup story—without realising th
CSR initiatives that make your employees proud and happy (Forbes)
It has been no less of a challenge to provide a meaningful working experience to employees in this day and age of automation. It has...